‘The only way to predict the future 
is to create it’

Join the Creators Club

The #1 Community for experts, teachers, trainers, entrepreneurs and creators.

**Only 100 Founding Members' Places**
60 Spaces Left 

Are you a coach, entrepreneur, educator or consultant who is looking to be more impactful in your field?

VUCA is the new normal.

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity.
These four horsemen of the Business Apocalypse are at the gates.

We respond all too often with SPAM - Stress, Paralysis, Anxiety and Mistakes.

The endless responsibilities, changes and challenges can be very hard to deal with.

It’s easy to react - get frustrated, upset, overwhelmed or even angry.

They challenge us to make the best decisions and come up with new ideas when we are stressed.

They pressure us into hurried decisions that create more trouble.
Or… we’re too late. Paralysis by analysis and the opportunity has gone.

Then stress and anxiety can follow with little or no support to help.

The four horsemen are not going away anytime soon, if anything they’re getting reinforcements. (FOMO is saddling up).

If you’re an entrepreneur, coach, educator, manager or consultant.

  • You need ideas.
  • New ideas.
  • Ideas that work.
  • Ideas that give good results.

And all too often, you must come up with these ideas and solutions on your own.
It can be hard.

And then, when you do, it’s difficult to get good feedback.

What’s missing?

A pool of creative resources and a group of people like you, who are looking for creative solutions and will help each other find them.

Creativity is the single, most essential quality you need to succeed in this fast-changing world.

By being creative you will always have answers to the questions life will ask you.

Whatever the problem, creativity is part of the solution.
Achieving your goals is simply creative problem-solving.

And the best part of it?

Creativity costs nothing…  but is priceless.

Everyone wants to be creative.

But how do you do it?

My name is Joseph O'Connor

When I cofounded the International Coaching Community (ICC) twenty years ago
I would never have dreamt that it would grow to a community of 16,000 coaches in 65 countries.
Now is the time for communities, We are STRONGER together.
As a Founding Member  you will be on the ground floor,
Who knows how far we can go?

Biggest barrier?
It was getting started.
It was something I meant to do ‘When I have time.’
Ridiculous excuse. I always have time; it’s not in short supply.
How I choose to spend time is up to me. I’ll have time when I make time.

I started the book in November last year. November is National Novel Writing Month

Many people started their books at the same time. I wasn’t alone.
I felt part of a community. 

I opened a new Word doc and began…
Starting is hard, but once you get going, it’s both thrilling and frightening, rather like skiing.
After I started, I joined a writer’s group to give me feedback.
That was important, it kept me honest

Left to myself, I oscillated between thinking the whole thing was rubbish…and thinking I was the next J.K. Rowling.
The truth is somewhere between.

We need people to cheer us on and support us.
At the beginning, middle and end.

However, being creative comes with many challenges:

  • Lack of time

  • Being stuck in the same bubble of activity and interest

  • Lack of focus

  • Getting reliable feedback on your ideas

  • Feeling isolated and unsupported 

  • Being able to separate noise from valuable information 

  • Knowing where to look for valuable new information. 

And there are three key problems that keep great minds from being creative

1. The bubble that keeps us in our habitual thinking.
(With the extra catch that we don’t realise we are in it, because it’s so familiar)

2. Lack of support and feedback from a likeminded community
(If only…)

3. Knowing where to look for valuable and useful ideas
(Everyone is offering their solution)

Just a taste of what you will get

Resources in Coaching, Consultancy, Leadership, Neuroscience, and creative writing to stimulate creativity to start.

Our Resource Library will grow every week

There are Forums, Discussions, Podcasts, and Regular 'Live" Events
And it's all in one place.

No More Trawling round Google for Inspiration.

This is why I have created The Creators Club.

The Creators Club is THE place to learn how to access and master the art of creativity to solve all your life and business challenges for you or your clients.

It’ll give you resources, ideas and a supportive community.

The M.A.ST.E.R. Framework for Creativity

How do you get the creativity flowing without the pressure and deadlines?

We use The MASTER methodology.


M is Mindset – the way of thinking to get new and creative solutions.


A is Application – The strategies to apply that will allow you to fully implement your new creative thinking into action.


ST is STimulation – How to access that emotional energy that comes from your values that will fuel your creative juice.


E is Encouragement – Your new mindset and skillset needs external support and validation from your community.


R is results – This is how you get incredible results from applying this methodology.

How The Creators Club Works


New training to help you MASTER creativity and much more will be released regularly for your personal and professional development.



With our supportive community, you will always have a safe and inspiring place to share ideas, get feedback and connect with like-minded people.



We will release and share resources to help you become more impactful and influential in your field

Exclusive Content

You will get access to new and exclusive content designed only for members by members.

By Joining The Creators Club You Will

Get new and innovative ideas

Grow your business

Join in a community of likeminded people

Become more visible

Become more creative in your work

Keep ahead of the pack

About Joseph O'Connor

Joseph O'Connor has been a creative force in the coaching, training and writing professions for more than thirty years.

An internationally recognized author, executive coach, trainer and consultant; he has given trainings in over thirty countries. 

He is the author of nineteen books and three audiotapes on NLP, Coaching, Neuroscience, training, sales, communication skills, management and systemic thinking. His books have been translated into thirty languages and have sold over half a million copies worldwide. His latest book, ‘Coaching the Brain – Practical Applications of Neuroscience to Coaching’. was published internationally by Routledge in February 2019. 

He gives Neuroscience coaching trainings to make the best neuroscience tools and research available for coaches.

He is a director of Lambent UK and global director and co-founder of the International Coaching Community (ICC).


(And become a Founding Member with exclusive Lifetime Access)



Online Training

Live Mastermind Sessions



Guest Interviews 

Creative Writing Groups 

Idea Incubation Groups

Lifetime Access

(60 Spaces left)


Online Training

Live Mastermind Sessions



Guest Interviews 

Creative Writing Groups 

Idea Incubation Groups

* Founding Members Benefits

* Exclusive Feature in the community


(Coming soon)


Online Training

Live Mastermind



Guest Interviews 

Creative Writing Groups 

Idea Incubation Groups



What is the Lifetime Access Deal? 

Until we reach 100 members, you have the opportunity of becoming a founding member by joining the Lifetime Access option.

As a founding member, you will be involved in the direction and development of the community and the Creators Club content.

You will also have a special feature in the community as a founding member to help you build your profile and network faster.


‘Creativity is a special gift, you can’t learn it.’

We are all creative, we all have the special gift.
You deserve the opportunity to release it.


‘I’m doing fine already, thanks.’

Great! Do you want to do finer?
Why not?


‘I don’t know if it will work for me.’

Flow state, inspiration, intuition – these are all well established and researched.
They work. They’ll work for you. You’re already successful in your field or you wouldn’t be considering this.


‘Is it worth it?’

It’ll cost you much less than a cup of coffee a day. One good idea can make thousands of dollars and save you hours a week.


‘I don’t have time.’

Everyone gets 24 hours a day to do what they want. It’s not about the time, it’s about what you do with it.
Will you master time or does time boss you around?
The time is there if you want it. You’ll be part of a supportive community; we’ll all help each other.